With ever changing design and construction industry, management strategies have been evolved to accommodate smart and technology enforced solutions. Integrated BIM not only provide the essential Project management support to its clients so that they could be on top of current industry requirements but also makes sure that they are fully covered with all the knows and unknows to mitigate project risks.
The introduction of BIM in the industry triggers a knowledge gap in which we require skilled resources to manage a design and construction project effortlessly. Integrated-BIM supports to fill this gap by providing a tailored “knowledge transfer solution” for your project resources, as well as your organization.
We help managers to take full advantage of BIM workflow and show how the BIM data could provide a base point for various documents for project, design and construction management.
Ultimately this develops a versatile skillset to propel your team forward and you as a leader.

If the contract is silent about the BIM process, parties will inevitably have a different understanding of what their obligations are, and what they are entitled to. A significant time and costs could then be expended to establish an accepted position between the parties.
Integrated-BIM helps to provide a clear contractual framework of BIM-supportive terms to minimize such avoidable time and costs. We also help our clients to circumvent gaps in the liabilities, while encouraging certainty and efficiency.A clear framework would provide a clear understanding of parties’ roles and risk allocation, culminating in minimizing misunderstandings and unnecessary delays caused by disputes (which of course BIM and its collaborative nature are intended to avoid anyway).
A BIM Execution Plan is a comprehensive one-stop document tailored for each discipline for the project and in line with the project management plan. The intent of the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is to define a foundational framework to ensure the successful deployment of advanced design technologies on your BIM-enabled project.
Integrated-BIM provides end-to-end support for project managers to ensure a very precise guide map for project stakeholders as well as, to avoid to doubling of information in various project documents. In the best practice, it forms a key input for the contract and defines the BIM scope of work for every discipline.

Project design and construction data management are one of the most important aspects of BIM management. How building elements are designed, shared, coordinated, analyzed, managed, constructed, and maintained solely depends on your data management strategies.
The common data environment (CDE) is the single source of information for all the assets and its importance for the successful BIM project is. With the understanding of key contractual factors between project stakeholders, Integrated-BIM provides key insights and advice for the best collaborations methods as well as Data Management systems (DMS) suitable for the project.
Connecting project information in real-time significantly reduces project risks by minimizing the time lag between issues, the receipt, and the use of information. By connecting risk management information more effectively, more rapid iterations of the design process are possible. Crucially, risks are managed by making sure the right information is available at the right time and Integrated-BIM provides a novel method of qualitative/ quantitative risk assessment for building projects at various design and construction stages.